Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cervantino Day Two: Sydney Dance Company

One phase, but only one, of 2 One Another
Along with a nearly full house today at the State Auditorium, I saw a sneak preview of the Sydney Dance Company's 2 One Another.  Most of the others in the auditorium came by bus from other towns in the state as part of the program Cervantino para todos. The man beside me came from San Diego de Union, the woman behind me from Villagrande.

The Australian company has danced in Guanajuato before. It managed to arrive in our city during the grueling days after 9/11. Now it back with its new choreographer-director, the Spaniard Rafael Bonachela aand I would think a completely new set of dancers, sixteen in all. They performed a work of his against spectacular lighting: the changing, starry night sky, startling flashes of light, myriad points of a single color.

My take: thumbs up for the few sections that got under my skin, especially the solo by an Asian man and sensual duos  by a blonde man and woman. I admit to feeling drowsy during long stretches of the work when the groupings and movements didn't speak to me.

Repeats at the State Auditorium Friday, 8pm