Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Cine Club and More

Save Saturday, Sunday or Monday (4,6,or 8pm) as your movie night. The new location for the Cine Club is the refurbished Euquerio Guerrero auditorium at the back of the Antiguo Patio de Relacionees Industriales, between the main university building and the Compañia church. The first five movies come from at least three continents. Notices up on the public notice boards.

JUMPING THE GUN: Next year, the Invited Country at the Cervantino will be the United Kingdom (England,Scotland, Wales, N Ireland). with fifteen events and exhibits likely. To cap off the announcement to the press, the British Council arranged for a band of Mexican bagpipers and drummers to enter El Meson San Antonio right on cue after the British representative made his announcement and yes, the vigas rang. Mexico keeps surprising me! MY CERVANTINO FAVORITES, 2005, Special category: The 400th anniversary celebration in Valenciana with Jordi Savall, Hesperion XXI and a marvelous reader Dance: Lola Lince and the first Zapien-Jones-Cano work and Black Grace Music: The National Orchestra of Spain, Michael Severance playing Elias' Homage to Shostakovich (unfortunately I missed the Berlin Quartet)
Theatre; MacBeth World Muaic & Eclectic: The Kora music by the Philip Glass Ensemble musician from Africa, Las Mayas Visual Arts: Toledo's elongated prints illustrating Kafka's Report to the Academy. The extensive exhibit of cartoons by "El Chango"

BEST BUY IN 400 YEARS: The bookstore at the Alhondiga has stacks of a hardback edition of Don Quixote with vocabulary notes at the bottom of each page for the almost unbelievable price of less than 120 pesos.


If you want to check on symphony concert programs, the office is at the first door on the left and downstairs in the Agora (space between the Jardin and the Baratillo). By the way, two lists of cultural programs are published in our city each month, one for university sponsored events including radio programs, exhibits, movies and the symphony. The other lists events having other sponsore.

THE CHOPPER: I haven't stopped writing the English language page for this local weekly magazine despite the gap. Instead of interviewing cultural figures, I am now writing what I hope are amusing opinion pieces. In September I wrote about Who We Are about those of us from North of the Border and South of Canada. The late July piece was called What Page Did You Say That Was?, a spoof of phrasebooks and was first read at Dianne Romain's reading afternoon last month. The second. in the lat July issue, was called Who Put the Ciao in the Soup?

The film SANGRE made here by and with Guanajuatenses has just won an award Cannes although it was not an official entrant. Let's hope we'll see it soon. The world-class viola de gamba player JORDI SAVALL and the HESPERION XXI Consort won an important European prize for their CD of music from Cervantes' time. We heard it live at Valenciana last October.

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