Tuesday, January 27, 2015

University of Guanajuato Cine Club's Annual International Film Festival

UG’s Cine Club annual International Film Festival is underway in the small theatre Euquerio Guerrero at the back of the patio between the main UG building and the Compañia church.

Image result for Ida film images

After looking at the program notes online, my top pick is, Ida, a Polish film shown to a small audience during the Guanajuato International Film Festival (GIFF) last summer.At the time, I was told the film would start a half hour late; when I returned in twenty minutes, I had already missed the beginning. 
I plan to go to this powerful movieagain on Sunday, February 1--and not just for the part 1 missed.. 

As the producer explained at the Juarez in July, getting the film funded took years; no one wanted to back a film to be made in black and white. The producer and director stuck to their guns, resulting in this film with its period feel. It has two intertwined themes, the decision facing a novice nun who learns her Jewish family brought her to a convent when she was a baby to shelter her from the Nazis, and the bitter look backward by her aunt, who took part of the harsh Communist regime that controlled Poland after the Second World War.

Shooting the film in black and white (blanco y negro in Spanish) was an inspired decision. A leading Polish actress plays the aunt. The young woman playing the nun is on screen for the first time.

The festival ends February 7, with each film shown for  one night. Showings generally start at 5, 6, & 9.
For a complete schedule of the festival, go to www.extension.ugto.mx.

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