I'm Rochelle Cashdan serving my no-cal Mexican buffet with Guanajuato as the main course. Check the sidebar for the most popular posts. I also post about art & culture at www.guanajuatolegends.blogspot com. My online poems and stories, including "Our Mutual Friend" (set in Guanajuato), can be reached by googling.
Monday, May 07, 2012
Puppeteers from Santa Rosa send up rocket
As part of the XV Children's Ecological Fair yesterday, young puppeteers directed by Guadalupe Santos, presented the show Brave Warriors of the Sierra de Santa Rosa. The days theme was Water, the giveaway of the day small pine trees, popular related activities, lotto and painting. Organized by the Consejo Ecologista Guanajuatense A.C., supported by a half-dozen local institutions. This year's theme: WATER.