To see and buy this year's crop (sugar sweets), go to Plaza de la Reforma or Plaza de la through through Saturday.
Friday night at 7 Hugo Almanza's troupe will be presenting Poesia de Muerte in the Dieguino Museum. In Spanish, free.
Friday and Saturday nights at 8:30, the traditional performance of Don Juan Tenorio
at the Principal, 60 pesos. (May be at the Juarez one of the nights, as I have seen conflicting informatiion.
Saturday morning is the time to stroll in El Centro to see the Dead of the Dead posters and keep your eyes open for altars in public buildings, on the university steps and in neighborhoods.
In San Miiguel, the LaCalaca Festival of Dia de los Muertos events, including a parade of Catrinas, lasts three days, from the 31 through Nov. 2.